In the same way in which Net Neutrality helps small business with affordable data transfer infrastructure, a new web service from Amazon, called Amazon S3, helps with very affordable content storage and delivery. At $0.15 per GB-Month of storage used and $0.20 per GB of data transferred you have now no excuse that you business cannot compete with the big companies who were able to support till now the enormous costs of online storage and delivery of digital content.
The Amazon service is appealing to big business as well. For instance Microsoft is using it to distribute its MSDN Direct Student Download, while the well know photo sharing service Smugmug is using to store its huge image database who continue to grow with more than 10TBytes of images each month.
Event companies that offer online backup started to back-end their storage support on Amazon S3. In the near future I expect more and more online backup companies to appear following the success of sites such as Altexa, ElephantDrive or MediaSilo. If you want to experience yourself (as home user) the power of Amazon S3, look no further than Jungle Disk.
For more information:
Amazon S3 homepage: http://aws.amazon.com/s3
Amazon first S3 news release
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